There are lots of ways that your car can get damaged. You’re probably worried about getting involved in a car accident. Or, perhaps you are concerned about the car or truck in front throwing up a stone or rock and chipping your windscreen or damaging the paintwork. While these are certainly possibilities there are other issues that you may have completely overlooked. Let’s explore some of the ways that your car could get damaged that you may not have thought of and discover how to protect your vehicle from these threats.
When we think about weather issues that can damage our vehicles, we often turn our attention to the cold weather. Yes, ice and frost can both damage your car and cause the value to drop significantly. However, there is another problem to be aware of and that’s salt. If you live by the coast you’ll find that the air is filled with salt. This is a serious issue because it will cause your car to rust and over time it will begin to impact key areas of your vehicle. To deal with this issue, it’s worth keeping your car inside the garage as much as possible. Alternatively, if you don’t have a garage space, you might want to think about installing a carport or getting a cover for your vehicle.
Car vandalism is more common than you think and it’s not just the annoyed co-worker that you need to watch out for. You might find that your car is vandalised in an act of road rage or rather, parking rage. Alternatively, it’s possible that you run afoul of a badge collector. There are people who collect car badges and see them as prizes. This is one of the reasons why car companies stopped including statues and figures on the bonnet of cars that could easily be snapped off. If you are worried about vandalism, then car storage is always going to be your best option. Particularly, if you have a second or third car that spends a lot of time on your driveway.
The Car Wash
You might think that the car wash is safe to use and to be honest, it should be. After all, technology is constantly evolving and this means that a car wash should be designed to give your car the deep clean it needs without the risk of damage. However, you don’t know that the car wash you choose is up to date with the latest tech. Even if it is, you’ll still be relying on a machine to wash your car. Errors occur all the time and if they do it can leave you with a dent or a scratch. In some cases, car wash machines have been known to smash the windscreen. That’s why if you can it’s best to hand wash your car or use a home power washer.
We hope this helps you understand some of the peculiar ways that your car can get damaged. If you take these steps, you will be able to protect your vehicle in the right way.