When the 2017 Frankfurt Motorshow kickoffs in September BMW will showcase the new look BMW i3. Well it isn’t entirely new, its a series of mini design and cosmetic upgrades, par for the course in an industry always concerned about the visual appeal of it’s cars.
It also keeps the buying public interested and you know what it always works. Because Harry always wants to one-up Larry, his next door neighbour, he does so by getting the latest new thing.
But it isn’t the new cosmetic improvements that are of interest, according to our insider sources over at BMW HQ the new look i3 will also have improved range.
The current powertrain will be uprated, in this case it’s simply a BMW engineer on his laptop telling the on board CPU to release more power from the drive system.
The net result of this uprated power will be quicker acceleration and say our sources (who are the catering staff at BMW HQ) more range.
However we can’t be to clear as to how much of a range increase the Frankfurt bound i3 will get, disguised as BMW toilet cleaners and armed with fake IDs we spoke to a bunch of workers at BMW HQ.
Over an Apple Strudel we were informed that the updated i3 will have an improved range beyond 200 miles. Which admittedly sounded a bit vague.
Pure electric vehicles are a contradictory way to travel, you charge the said car from a mains outlet, that power is being fed to you by a power station.
Power stations typically burn fossil fuels to produce electricity and are the main causes of an increase in carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
This is the hypocrisy of driving and owning pure electric vehicles at this moment in time… just sayin’.